Minutes of the Special Academic Council Meeting

April 19, 2001

XXX,7. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by President Don Myers. Roll call was taken, and absentees noted were: James Stone, Richard Bullock, Paul Worsey, Patrick Giunta, Greg Gelles, Kristine Swenson, Shubhender Kapila, Mark Mullin, Neil Book, Dr. Gajda, Dr. Ogrosky, and Dean Mitchell.




  1. President Myers distributed copies of a resolution concerning Faculty Evaluation of Campus Administrators.
    1. Professor Myers said this resolution outlines basic policy or guidelines designed to be on a developmental basis-as part of an annual review.
    2. President Myers said the feeling at IFC was that Faculty would not be comfortable if someone made their evaluations available to the campus-therefore, neither should the administrators’ evaluations be public.
    3. Professor Ralph Wilkerson moved to approve the resolution. Professor Todd Hubing seconded.
    4. Following a very brief discussion, vote was taken, and motion carried.
  2. President Myers asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the February 15, 2001 meeting and the special meeting on March 13, 2001 as distributed. Professor Hal Nystrom moved to approve. There was a second and motion carried.
  3. Professor Myers stated that there is an effort at the University-wide level to develop a copyright policy. He said this went to the Patent Committee this week, and is on the agenda for IFC’s April 20 meeting. He also said Faculty will have an opportunity for input.

B. CHANCELLOR'S REPORT - Dr. Thomas presented this report on current items of interest.


  1. The Chancellor said the Degree in Architectural Engineering and the MS in Biological Sciences have been approved by Board of Curators. After approval by the Board, he stated, these would by posted on the web site of the Coordinating Board for 45 days. Then they will be placed on the agenda of the Coordinating Board.
  2. Dr. Thomas announced that Dr. Shah will begin his duties as Provost on July 1, 2001, and that an offer has been made to one of the Candidates for Dean of Enrollment. He also stated that he was in the final stages of appointing an Interim Vice Provost of Research.
  3. The Chancellor said the Departments were asked on April 1, 2001 to come up with programs that need to be pushed. A large number of proposals were submitted.

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - There were no questions from the floor.


A. CURRICULA-Professor Charles Morris presented this report, consisting of both March and April recommendations from this committee.

  1. There was a motion to approve both degree programs presented-in Ceramic Engineering, an MS in Biomaterials, and in Mining Engineering, an ME in Engineering. This was followed by a second.
    1. Dean Saperstein pointed out that the new degree programs are exciting for UMR and fit very well with Dr. Thomas’ ideas about UMR’s role in research.
  2. Vote was taken and the motion carried.
  3. Professor Morris then moved to approve the CC1’s as distributed. Following a second, motion carried.

B. AD HOC COMMITTEE ON MENTORING - This report on the issue of “sticking points” was presented by Professor Arlan Dekock, with an overhead presentation (see attached).

  1. Professor Dekock thanked the Council for creating this important committee, and the members for serving.
  2. He briefly referred to the high points of the report that was distributed with the agenda.
  3. Professor Dekock said many serious issues would require further study.

C. COMBINED COMMITTEES REPORT (Academic Freedom, Admissions and Academic Standards, and Academic Assessment) - This report was presented by Professor Keith Stanek.

  1. Professor Stanek referred to the report that was distributed with the agenda.
  2. He then stated that this group had met with the Chancellor and two things were agreed upon:
    (1) No one wants to lower standards and
    (2)they don’t want to tell anyone how to give grades. He said, however; that, in order to approve students’ learning, classes with too many low grades would have to be noted.
  3. Professor Stanek said these positive programs have already been started: Voyager Community Learning Program and Physics Learning Center.
  4. After some discussion there were questions from the floor.
    1. Professor Carol Ann Smith asked where this would go now. Professor Myers said he and President-Elect Ralph Wilkerson have discussed having the RP&A Committee keep this going to a productive solution.
    2. Dr. Thomas commented that there is much to be learned on this issue from other educational institutions.
    3. There was a question as to whether efforts were being made to increase ways to involve students.
  5. Professor Carol Ann Smith moved to endorse the report from Professor Dekock and to have it circulated (stating this was even though she didn’t agree with every statement.) Professor Ralph Wilkerson seconded. After a few comments and a friendly amendment to change wording to say “many students”, motion carried.

.3 No old business was presented.



  1. Mr. Joe Maul announced new STUCO officers: Keith Ziegelman as President and R.J. Agee as Vice President of External Affairs.
  2. A resolution from STUCO was presented on establishing Academic Probation Advisors (see attached).
    1. Professor S.N. Balakrishnan moved to approve. Professor Hal Nystrom seconded.
    2. After much discussion, Professor Carol Ann Smith moved to table. There was a second, and motion carried.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


Lenn Koederitz

*Minutes of the Academic Council are considered official documentation and notification of actions approved.