Volume XXXII, Number 7
Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting
June 19, 2003

XXXII, 7 The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by President Lenn Koederitz. Roll call was taken, and absentees noted were: Craig Adams, S.N. Balakrishnan, Martin Bohner, Neil Book, Richard Bullock, Kelvin Erickson, Randy Glaeser, Paul Hamacher, Todd Hubing, K.M. Isaac, Kurt Kosbar, Marshall Porterfield, Carol Ann Smith, Gary Mueller, Mark Mullin, Don Myers, Debra Robinson, H.L. Tsai, Phillip Whitefield, and Paul Worsey.

There was a motion and second to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2003 Academic Council meeting. The Academic Council body voted to accept the minutes.


A. PRESIDENT'S REPORT - This report was presented by Academic Council President Lenn Koederitz.

1. The Board of Curators has approved a 50% reduction of educational fees for Spouse / Dependent, beginning in Fall 2003. Eligibility requirements include five years of continual full time service. A dependent is defined as someone eligible under the medical plan. The proposed tuition benefit is, of course, dependent upon the budget.
2. Faculty by law changes regarding reorganization of the standing committees were approved and sent to the Board of Curators.
3. The Governor vetoed the higher education bill of 14 million dollars.
4. Representatives are needed to serve on the UM system-wide conflict of interest Committee.

B. CHANCELLOR'S REPORT - This report was presented by Chancellor Gary Thomas.

1. The status of the state's budget is constantly changing. The House and Senate passed an appropriation bill for higher education, and President Bush signed, a tax reduction bill that freed up $375 million dollars for the State of Missouri. The Governor vetoed the appropriation bill passed by the House and Senate for the second time and sent it back to the Special Session of the General Assembly. The federal allocation to Missouri will be used over a two year period, ½ this year and ½ next year. However, the federal allocation is "one time money".
2. Governor asked the House and Senate to approve a three- month extension, of current spending authority. In addition, the Governor indicted that he would withhold $240 million if the General Assembly approved an appropriation bill that authorized the same level of expenditures as the bill passed earlier.
3. Chancellor Thomas projected our share of the state budget cuts will be about 3.7 million dollars.
4. If there is no budget by July 1, many state activities will shut down. This should not affect us.
5. We increased educational fees about 20% for students. The Chancellor encouraged the use of need-based aid.

C. PROVOST'S REPORT - This report was presented by Provost Y.T. Shah.

1. Provost Shah distributed a handout outlining the progress in the four academic areas.

a. Enrollment Management (Summer and Fall Enrollment is up).
b. In Research, new awards currently total $27.7 million. Proposal submissions through the end of May total $117.4 million. Proposals Awarded through Research Centers at the end of May totaled $14.0 million.
c. Undergraduate and Graduate Studies have begun discussions with the graduate deans to consider a graduate studies strategic plan. There is a global interest in graduate student recruitment, research productivity, graduate student and departmental needs. 21 UMR faculty will participate in the UM System's New Faculty Teaching Scholars program.
d. Global is operating under the new INS regulations and is still looking at new ways to deliver education to Fort Leonard Wood officers. If there are any degree programs that you feel would be of interest to the military please enter in your suggestions to Sue Turner.

2. Provost Shah stated there would be a committee run by the faculty to perform an audit of programs. This will be a complete self-examination of programs to determine if they are necessary.


A. BUDGETARY AFFAIRS- This report was presented by Gregory Gelles

1. Gelles stated that the salary structure for administrative positions in the School of Management Systems were carefully being looked at and restructured to match those of other UM schools.

B. CURRICULA - This report was presented by Thomas Schuman

1. There was a motion and second to approve the degree and course changes generated from the May 1, 2003 and May 13, 2003 meetings. The motion passed.

C. PUBLIC OCCASIONS- This report was presented by Lenn Koederitz.

1.Motion to change Spring Open House to Good Friday April 9,2004. Motion passed.

D. RETENTION- This report was presented by Carl Burns.

1.Burns presented Recommended Guidelines for Dropping Students by the 6th week deadline.
2. There was a motion and a second to committee postpone the discussion of this motion until the next meeting. The motion passed.
3. The report is attached to the minutes
Student Drop Guidelines

E. STUDENT AFFAIRS - This report was presented by Mark Potrafka.

1. There was a motion and second to accept the constitutions for the following student organizations: "Solar House team"
"Perfect 10 Improv"
"UMR Wha Youn Ryu"
The motion passed.



1. Written policy for joint Appointments


1. Hal Nystrom discussed the lack of flexibility on the part of INS in extending student visas to students pursuing a PHD degree. There was a motion and second to send a motion to the ISC requesting them to send a motion to the President of the University to do whatever he can to encourage INS to become more flexible with the extension of visas. The motion passed.

A. STAFF COUNCIL- No Report Submitted.

B. STUDENT COUNCIL - No report submitted.
C. COUNCIL OF GRADUATE STUDENTS - No report submitted.

There was a motion and second to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed at 2:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
(electronically submitted, 7/2/03 - 10:16 a.m.)
Mike Hilgers, Secretary

*Minutes of the Academic Council are considered official notification and documentation of actions approved.