Volume XXXIII, Number 2
Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting
October 16, 2003

XXXIII, 2 The meeting was called to order at 1:35 P.M. by President Todd Hubing. Roll call was taken, and absentees noted were: Neil Book, Charles Chusuei, Paul Hamacher, Lance Haynes, Roger LaBoube, Micheal Meagher, Gary Mueller, Mark Mullin, Hal Nystrom, Chad Pense, Robert Stone, Pericles Stravropoulos, H.L. Tsai, David Van Aken, Thomas Vojta, Trent Watts, Paul Worsey, Paula Lutz, Debra Robinson, Y.T Shah, and Chancellor Gary Thomas.

There was a motion and second to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2003 Academic Council meeting. The Academic Council body voted to accept the minutes.


A. PRESIDENT'S REPORT - This report was presented by Academic Council President Todd Hubing.

1. The Board of Curators Meeting is Today. One of the items on the agenda is the by law changes approved by the General Faculty last semester. The RP&A Committee decided that the changes introduced by the lawyers were not substantive. The changes will be posted on the web site and Academic Council members will be asked to review the changes before the next meeting to determine whether modifications require reconsideration of the bylaw changes by the General faculty.
2. Another item on the Board of Curator's agenda is the change to include sexual orientation as one of the items that are protected under discrimination.
3. The name change form will be created by the Curriculum Committee and completed for the name changes in the School of Mines and Metallurgy.

B. CHANCELLOR'S REPORT - This report was presented by Dr. Arlan DeKock.

1. UMR is moving forward with the capital campaign. The organizing committee met over Homecoming weekend.
2. The Blue Ribbon committee of the Missouri Transportation Institute has formed an ad hoc executive committee to draw up the guidelines for the final proposal that will go to MODOT. A search for an executive director will begin later this year.
3. On September 30th the chairs of the various alumni academies met in St. Louis to discuss ways the academies can increase communication among themselves as well as with the campus as a whole.

C. PROVOST'S REPORT - This report was presented by Dr. Harvest Collier, Dr. Wayne Huebner, Dr. Meg Brady, and Gene Byers.

1. Wayne Huebner reported that grant awards through the end of September were 12 M; submissions were 24 M. Indirect Collections are 33% ahead of last year at this time. The Center for Aerospace and Manufacturing plus up request from last year was funded at $9.8M. Forty University Missouri Research Board Proposals (UMRB) were submitted on Oct 7th. Engineering Mechanics is combining with Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; no faculty will be impacted.
2. The new Interim dean of Mines and Metallurgy is Mariesa Crow.
3. Meg Brady reported that the IT department is making great progress on improving services on campus. They are initializing an incident response team to handle complaints as they come. The IT department is working on improving the performance of Blackboard especially during peak hours. There will be training sessions to teach faculty to use Blackboard. The solutions center "Helpdesk" are developing new processes to better serve the campus. Visit the web site for further updates.
4. Gene Byers reported on a new program that Immigration (INS) has instituted called Special Registration Requirements that impacts individuals from 25 countries. As soon as a person from one of these countries enters the United States, they have to fill out a form and have their fingerprints and photograph taken; also they are subjected an interview conducted under oath. The individual will be required to report to the office periodically.


A. CURRICULA - This report was presented by Richard Hall

1. Richard Hall moved that the Academic Council body accept the recommendations to approve the DC and CC Forms as summarized in an attachment sent by e-mail. The motion was seconded and passed.

B. BUDGETARY AFFAIRS - This report was presented by Don Myers.

The Budgetary Affairs Committee met on September 26. The initial effort of the committee is to understand the terminology and the budget processes for the purpose of determining when to make timely input for faculty on the budget process.

C. LIBRARY- This report was presented by Dick DuBroff.

1. Journal subscription costs continue to rise. This situation is problematic because even though new programs have been added at the University, and the library must build up new info structures to support the programs, the library budget has not changed.
2. Comprehensive user surveys regarding services are being carried out so the library can meet the needs of those who use it.
3. The library has seen increased use by students as a study and computer resource area.

D. PERSONNEL - This report was presented by K.M. Isaac.

1. Advising- Vice Provost Collier submitted a proposal to the committee detailing the implementation of a plan for advisor recognition, information exchange, and evaluations. Dr. Collier would like to implement the plan by early next semester. Some concerns of the committee were:
a. The number of advisees per advisor should be considered carefully
b. Effective advising is a two way process
c. Frequent reassignments of advisors can be detrimental
The committee will discuss this issue further at their next meeting. Faculty and Academic Council Committee members were encouraged to voice their input.

2. Intellectual Property Issues were reviewed during the Personnel Committee report. Some of the concerns are as follows:
a. Unauthorized access of archived lectures
b. Guidelines for use of the lecture material after the first live broadcast do not exist. It was questioned who would be the recipient of any relate royalties.
c. The question was raised regarding copyright ownership. Who is entitled to the copyright: the instructor, or the University?
d. Is it desirable to emphasize that the material is the instructor's intellectual property?
The Personnel Committee recommended discussion of these issues at the IFC level to formulate system wide policies.


A. ACTION ITEMS - 1. A response from IT was requested on the expected timeline for Password Protection to be implemented.
2. A response from the Provost regarding the Written Policy for Joint Appointments was requested.


1. The Grievance Panel committee requires 7 elected members. RP&A nominated Randy Moss, Ralph Alexander, Norbert Mertz, Don Sharpsteen, Lance Haynes, and Lokesh Dharani to serve on this committee. There was a motion and a second to elect the above nominees to the Grievance Panel committee. The motion passed.
2. The Budgetary Affairs committee required 1 additional member. RP&A suggested Dave Van Aken as a candidate for this position. There was a motion and a second to elect the above to this committee. The motion passed.
3. The Curriculum Committee required one more member. RP&A suggested Dave Rodgers for this position. There was a motion and a second to elect the above to the Curriculum Committee. The motion passed.
4. There was a motion and a second to have the President Elect of Academic Council serve as the representative to the Missouri Association of Faculty Senates (MAFS). The motion passed.

The Graduate Faculty discussed making procedural changes for nominations for the graduation list.
C. STAFF COUNCIL - No report submitted.
Discussed having hearer status classes priced at a discount as it is done at other Universities. The Academic Council was asked to assign a committee to investigate this issue.

a. The Library Committee has an ongoing commitment to evaluate a possible merger between the library and IT.
b. The Personnel Committee is still looking into advising issues and the protection of Intellectual Property.
c. The Student Affairs Committee had the issue of the 6th week drop referred to it, but the committee still has to be populated.

There was a motion and second to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed at 2:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
(electronically submitted, 10/28/03 - 9:30 a.m.)
Robert Schwartz, Secretary

*Minutes of the Academic Council are considered official notification and documentation of actions approved.