VOL. XXVIII, NO. 1 Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting November 19, 1998

XXVIII,3. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by President Dennis Perry. No substitutions were noted. A revised agenda was distributed.

.1 It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the October 15, 1998 meeting as distributed. Motion carried.


1. Professor Perry gave a brief report from the last IFC meeting.
a. He stated that IFC would be voting on the Grievance Revisions on November 20.
b. There was a brief discussion on the coordinated calendar at the meeting, but President Perry said interest in this had somewhat waned.

2. President Perry asked Professor Selberg to report on the medical benefits situation. Professor Selberg reported three items of interest.
a. Costs are up 10 percent.
b. Last year's exclusion of the Columbia/Jeff City area if you had Choice Plus has changed. In 1999, the only exclusion will be the University Hospitals and providers.
c. There is a projection of a 30 to 35 percent increase in premiums in 2000.

B. CHANCELLOR'S REPORT Dr. Park gave a brief report on various items of interest.

1. The Chancellor stated that he would be attending a Strategic Planning meeting on November 20, and that he expected to see some real action and objectives to deal with.

2. Dr. Park mentioned a meeting of NASULGC that he had recently attended.
a. He said they discussed video courses and their costs, and there were lots of claims about new methods of teaching such as computer tutoring. Some colleges now require students to have their own computers.
b. Dr. Park said technology is coming rapidly, and we have to be able to compete. c.There was much discussion about Intellectual Properties, and the Chancellor said we are not behind on this.

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS-There were one or two questions from the floor and some discussion of the items Dr. Park had mentioned.

C. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY TASK FORCE-Dr. Gajda gave this report, and stated that it is a sub-committee of Patents and Licensing.

1. Dr. Gajda stated that Steve Lemkuhle will name one representative to this group from each campus (UMR's being Don Myers).

2. At their meeting last week, they reviewed the policies on the different campuses.

3. They are now at the place where they will be going to meetings at each campus to allow faculty input. Who owns what is a very complex issue, according to Dr. Gajda.

4. As to the University's rights to royalties, Dr. Gajda stated that the policy says if the University had input, it gets some royalties. He stated this leaves a lot of "in-between" gray areas and is a very rich area of concern.



1. Professor Howard Pyron presented the EC1's for information only. He then moved to approve the CC1's as distributed. There was a second and motion carried.


1. Professor Jerry Bayless presented the Academic Calendar for 2000-2001. There was a motion to approve and a second, and motion carried.

2. Professor Bayless presented the Public Occasions dates.
a. There was a motion to approve and a second.
b. Professor Selberg then moved to amend the motion to combine UM Rolla Day and Parents' Day. There was a second.
c. Professor Bayless stated that when this issue came up two years ago, it was referred back to his committee. They met with the Chairs and decided it need to stay separate. A lengthy discussion followed. d. Vote was take on the amendment, which carried. Vote was then taken on the main motion which also carried.


A. President Perry referred to the Action Items sent out with the Agenda. He stated that Student Input for Tenure and Promotion would be removed from the list, as there has been action on this.

B. GRIEVANCE ISSUE-Professor Don Myers moved to approve the revisions as distributed last spring. There was a second. After a brief discussion of the proposed revisions, motion carried.


A. Director of Admissions, Martina Hahn, gave a report on the activities and plans of her department.

1. Ms. Hahn distributed several handouts and elaborated on these in depth.

2. There were several questions from Council members concerning ways that Academic Council could interact with Administration to help recruitment. Ms. Hahn elaborated on this.

B. STAFF COUNCIL-Ben Strehlman announced that they have Christmas is Love boxes in all departments. These will be picked up on December 14. He also stated that Staff Council will be sending out a survey to staff on training and other issues.

C. STUDENT COUNCIL-Joe Schmidberger gave a brief report from this group.

1. Mr. Schmidberger said their Tenure Resolution will be going to the President shortly.

2. He also announced that InterCampus STUCO elections would be in December, and that he is running for Chair.

3. Mr. Schmidberger briefly mentioned the ID card system, restructuring of STUCO reps, and the University Center renovation project.


1. President Perry, at Dr. Park's request, is making a referral to the Assessment Committee, concerning assessment tests for UMR students.

2. At Dr. Gajda's request, Professor Perry is referring to the Admissions and Academic Standard Committee the issue of using the scores from High School students taking college courses to be included in their GPA.

There was a motion and a second to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Don Myers

*Minutes of the Academic Council are considered official notification and documentation of actions approved.