VOL. XXVIII, NO. 1 Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting September 17, 1998

XXVIII,1. The meeting was called to order at 1:35 P.M. by President Bruce Selberg. No substitutions were noted.

.1 It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the June 25, 1998 meeting as distributed. Motion carried.


A. RULES, PROCEDURES, AND AGENDA 1. Professor Jeff Cawlfield presented the slate of officers for 1998-99: President-Elect, Jerry Tien; Secretary, Don Myers; and Parliamentarian, Linda Manning. He then asked if there were any nominations from the floor. When none were forthcoming, a motion was made to approve the slate by acclamation. There was a second, and motion carried.


1. Professor Selberg reported on items discussed at the June IFC meeting.
a.Finalized Grievance Document(Professor Selberg sent this to Academic Council members, and it will be on the October agenda for discussion and potential approval. If passed, and accepted by the University lawyers, it will then go the Board of Curators.
b.Steve Lehmkuhle passed out Critical Success Factors.
c.Discussed University Faculty Intellectual Property Rights relative to web-based educational instruction.
d.Put together new reduced level retirement package to be presented at the June Board of Curators meeting.

2. Professor Selberg reported from the September IFC meeting.
a.Discussion again centered on Grievance Procedures, Retirement Package, and Intellectual Property issues.
b.Steve Lehmkuhle formed a committee to investigate University/faculty issues related to Intellectual Property Rights for web-based educational instruction. Dr. Gajda will chair this committee, and each campus will have a faculty representative(Don Myers will represent UMR).
c.President Pacheco spoke about endowed professorships, saying they have to enhance the mission. A brief discussion followed on this subject.

3. Past President Selberg recapped the Academic Council year, and turned the meeting over to incoming President Dennis Perry.

4. President Perry thanked Professor Selberg for all his work for Academic Council.
a.He then talked briefly about the background of his coming to serve on Academic Council.
b.He also talked about his education and his family.
c.Professor Perry commented on the Strategic Action Plan, saying he felt a good learning environment was very important, and remembering the human and humane, as well as the academic.

B. CHANCELLOR'S REPORT Dr. Park thanked Professors Selberg and Cawlfield for their service, and commented that UMR is noted for sending responsible, thoughtful representatives to U-wide meetings. He also commented on Professor Perry's statements about learning environment, saying that he very much agreed. He said that the two very important items in retention are peer interaction and Faculty-Student relationships outside the class. He then went on to report on items of interest.
1. Concerning the Strategic Action Plan, Dr. Park stated that the Plan and accomplishments would be sent out by October 1.
2. Dr. Park said the focus this year is primarily on retention and recruitment, with the following being what he feels are the most important factors:
a.Focus on English and Science
b.Focus on Student Success
c.Supportive learning environment
d.Research addressing Societal needs.
e.Lean, efficient resource management.

3. The Chancellor apologized for the delay in getting the Administrative Evaluation process going forward. He said it would probably be two more weeks, and it would be electronic. After a lengthy discussion on using a random sample for evaluating Vice-Chancellors, Dr. Park took a straw poll of the Council members. The result was 13 to 7 in favor of everyone evaluating all the Vice- Chancellors.


1. Professor Howard Pyron presented the ECl's for information only. He then moved to approve the CCl's as distributed. A second followed, and motion carried.
2. Professor Pyron said that last spring, the Curricula Committee requested that GE130-Petrology, Geology and Geophysics, be changed to a 4 hour course beginning in the winter of 1999. Inadvertently, it became effective in the fall of 1998, upsetting many students. He moved to change it back to a 3 hour course until the fall of 1999. Professor Dan white seconded, and motion carried.

A. Action items-President Perry called attention to the last page distributed with the agenda. He said these are just a reminder of items awaiting action.

A. STUDENT COUNCIL-Joe Schmidberger spoke briefly on a new St. Pat's Steering Committee. He also stated that he and Karl Schmitt are the representatives to the Intercampus Student Council.

There was a motion and a second to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Don Myers

*Minutes of the Academic Council are considered official notification and documentation of actions approved.