Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting

Thursday, October 21, 1999

XXIX,2. The meeting was opened at 1:35 P.M. by President Jerry Tien. Substitutions noted were: Don Cronin for Bruce Selberg; Tim Meinert for Don Myers; Levant Acar for Kurt Kosbar; and Mark Fitch for Joel Burken. Roll Call was taken by the office secretary. Absences noted were: Charles Morris, James Stone, Martin Bohner, Tseggai Isaac, Paul Worsey; Shubhender Kapila, Gordon Carlson, K.M. Isaac, Susan Murray, Wayne Huebner, Mark Mullin, Dr. Ogrosky, and Dr. Gajda. After proving a quorum, there was a motion and a second to approve the minutes of the September 16, 1999 meeting as distributed. Motion carried.



1. President Tien gave a brief report from the Board of Curators meeting. Using an overhead presentation, he gave facts and figures on students accepted and students actually enrolled in the UM System. 2. There was a question from the floor as to why there was a large drop in enrollment in 1999. Dr. Park stated that it was due to the type of students being admitted.


1. Dr. Park mentioned the Exception List presented at the Board of Curators meeting. He said it was stated that there needs to be a return to a careful look at the number of degrees offered by each discipline. So far, no university has been forced to give up a degree based on this. 2. The Chancellor announced an upcoming open meeting on campus with President Pacheco on the UM System Strategic Plan. He said this will have an impact on UMR's plan. 3. Dr. Park referred to the Action Items list distributed with the Academic Council Agenda. He said he has responded to them today (October 21), and has a draft interim policy for the year on Video Instruction. 4. Dr. Park said the Administrative Reviews are now on the Web, and briefly explained the reason for the delay. 5. The Chancellor said the SAP is at the printers, and will be available shortly. 6. Dr. Park said Administrative Restructuring will be part of the UM System SAP, But no decisions have been made. He has contacted an alumnus to be a facilitator For the group discussing this. They are looking at a possible Vice Chancellor of Research or a similar position, and possibly a Chief Information Officer.


1. Professor Lance Haynes asked about the time frame for Administrative Review. Dr. Park said it should be about the same time as Faculty Activity Surveys-maybe March. 2. Professor Jay Gragg mentioned the legislative review on the number of degrees. He said he feels there is no added cost to offering more PHD's. Dr. Park answered that there is an added cost to some departments, but he favors offering more, nonetheless.


A. CURRICULA-Professor Ken Robertson presented this report. 1. He made a motion to approve the Experimental Courses as distributed. There was a second and motion carried. 2. He then moved to approve the CC1's. There was a second and motion carried.

B. PERSONNEL-In the absence of Professor Don Myers, Professor Kristine Swensen presented this report. 1. Professor Swensen read a resolution from this committee on Web-based courses, which had been approved by Dr. Gajda. She then moved to approve it and there was a second. 2. After several questions for clarification, there was a motion to table until a written record could be distributed. There was a second and motion carried.

C. RULES, PROCEDURE, AND AGENDA-Professor Lance Haynes presented this report. 1. Due to Professor Barbara Hale asking to be replaced on this committee, R P & A nominated Professor Gary Mueller to fill the vacancy. Professor Haynes made a motion to approve this change. There was a second and motion carried.

D. STUDENT AFFAIRS 1. There was a motion and a second to take off the table the motion on potential final exam conflict. There was a second and motion carried. 2. Motion and second were withdrawn when it was explained that there is not yet a chair of this committee. 3. Professor Insall then moved that the wording in the policy be changed so that prerequisite courses' final exams would take precedence over later ones. There was a second. 4. Dean Saperstein made a motion to postpone action on this matter to the next meeting, so that the original motion could be presented in writing.

E. TENURE-Professor X.B. Reed presented this report; however, he first allowed Cody May to distributed STUCO's resolution on Student Input into Tenure. 1. Mr. May elaborated on their resolution, and there were some questions and comments. 2. Dr. Reed then distributed the report of the committee, stating that they are not in favor of the students' resolution. 3. Professor Koederitz moved to accept the report of the Tenure Committee. There was a second, and motion carried, with one opposed. 4. There was a motion by Professor Lance Haynes to approve the draft response of the committee. There was then a second, followed by a motion by Professor Richard Hall to postpone action. There was a second, and motion carried, with four opposed.

There was a motion and a second to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Ralph Wilkerson

*Minutes of the Academic Council are considered official notification and documentation of actions approved.