Volume XXXIII, Number 1
Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting
September 18, 2003

XXXIII, 1 The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by President Lenn Koederitz. Roll call was taken, and absentees noted were: S.N. Balakrishnan, Neil Book, Charles Chusuei, Shari Dunn-Norman, Tad Golosinski, Paul Hamacher, Roger LaBoube, Mark Mullin, Chad Pense, Pericles Stravropoulos, Paul Worsey, Lee Saperstein, and Chancellor Gary Thomas.

There was a motion and second to approve the minutes of the June 19, 2003 Academic Council meeting. The Academic Council body voted to accept the minutes.
There was a motion and second to approve the election of the new officers to the Academic Council. The Academic Council body voted to accept the new officers, who include: Todd Hubing - President; Michael Hilgers - President Elect; Robert Schwartz - Secretary; and Kurt Kosbar - Parliamentarian. The Academic Council body welcomed the new President Todd Hubing and congratulated Lenn Koederitz for a job well done.


A. PRESIDENT'S REPORT - This report was presented by Academic Council President Todd Hubing.

1. There is a change to the workload policy in the UM system bylaws, proposed by the IFC. The purpose of the policy is to clarify the executive order. The proposed Faculty Workload Policy is available on the UMR Academic Council web site.
2. There is still talk about a Grant Incentive Proposal, in which faculty would be rewarded for bringing in grants that return indirect to the University. IFC is in favor of it, so it may happen. The estimated cost for this program is $2M, but the program is forecast to generate $10M.
3. UMC has a Faculty Accomplishments System in place, and IFC would like to see this instituted at other UM campuses. This will do away with the paper version of the Faculty Activity Reports.
4. The Committee By Law changes that were voted upon are now in place. This means some of the old committees no longer exist. If you were elected to a committee that was not eliminated, assume you are still on it.

B. CHANCELLOR'S REPORT - This report was presented by Provost Y.T. Shah.

1. The state's budget is still unsettled for Fiscal Year 2004. UMR's final appropriation will depend on tax receipts for the rest of the fiscal year. James Moody, the former budget Director for former Governor Ashcroft, forecasts the state will have a $962 million shortfall between revenues and expenditure in the next fiscal year.
2. The Governor's Commission on the Future of Higher Education will be presenting some Draft Recommendations on December 4, 2003.
3. One of the Commission's likely recommendations will be that the state should maintain/create a few higher education Centers of Excellence to improve the state's economy. Another finding of the Commission is likely to be that higher education planning tends to be focused on each institution's priority rather than the state's priorities.
4. We are hoping to implement the Missouri Transportation Institute on the UMR campus. We are working with all of the research universities -public and private - in the state to make this a reality.
5. Homecoming is October 10th, and 11th.
6. There will be a meeting of the leaders of UMR's academies in late September. The purpose of the meeting is to improve campus communication and coordination of priorities among UMR's various academies.

C. PROVOST'S REPORT - This report was presented by Provost Y.T. Shah.

1. Provost Shah distributed a handout outlining the progress in the four academic areas.

a. Enrollment Management: (Fall Enrollment is up).
b. In Research: Proposal submissions through the end of July total $18.2 million. Proposals Awarded through Research Centers through August totaled $9.88 million.
c. In Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Studies: CERTI is being established. A focus of the center is student Retention.
d. In Global: There has been a 35% growth in distance education

2. Provost Shah stated there would be a committee run by the faculty to perform an audit of academic degree programs. This will be a complete self-examination of programs. The Provost indicated a need for realignment of some Academic Programs.
3. Information technology is moving forward. The main objective is to improve the service on campus.


A. CURRICULA - This report was presented by Richard Hall

1. There was a motion and second to approve the DC Forms described in the attachment to the agenda. The motion passed.
2. There was a motion and second to approve the CC Forms described in the attachment to the agenda. The motion passed.

B. AD HOC BY LAWS COMMITTEE - This report was presented by Lenn Koederitz.

In the General Faculty meeting last May, the General Faculty approved the changes to the By Laws. These were submitted to the board of Curators, but after review by legal council, additional changes were recommended to bring the revised bylaws in compliance with FERPA and the state sunshine laws. After discussion between the UM System legal office and Lenn Koederitz, it was pointed out that the current By Laws were also not in compliance. It was then suggested that the proposed committee structure be adopted but that further review of the By Laws continue prior to their submission to the Board of Curators. A meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 23 between Lenn Koederitz and the UM system attorney that will hopefully resolve this issue.

C. COMPUTER POLICY- This report was presented by Barbara Hale.

1. This committee is now known as IT (Information Technology). It will advise the CIO and the Provost regarding IT issues on campus.
2. Faculty/ staff were evaluated and moved to where they were most needed. There were some changes in salary involved.
3. IT is proposing to merge IT and the library.
4. To have a successful IT plan, the faculty have to buy into the plan.


A. POSTPONED ITEMS - A motion to adopt the Guidelines for Dropping Students presented at the June meeting was placed back on the floor for discussion.

1. Harvest Collier proposed several wording changes. A motion to amend the wording of the guidelines as proposed by Dr. Collier was made and seconded. It was approved after a brief discussion.
2. There was a motion and second to change the wording of the original motion to "accept" the guidelines rather than to "adopt" them. The motion passed.
3. There was a motion and a second to refer the Guidelines as amended to a Committee. The motion passed.




A. STAFF COUNCIL- Barb Robinson.
1. She expressed concern regarding concealed weapons on campus.
2. As a fund raising activity, Staff Council will be selling Krispy Kreame doughnuts.

1. Julia Roseman is taking over for Mark Ebel.
2. Proposed the possibility of implementing a new ID card system
3. Student Council will be enhancing school spirit by painting shamrocks near I-44.
C. COUNCIL OF GRADUATE STUDENTS - No report submitted.
D. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Academic Council Committee Elections-Lenn Koederitz
Ballots were passed out to voting committee members.
The ballots were handed in at the end of the meeting.

There was a motion and second to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed at 2:55 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
(electronically submitted, 10/3/03 - 7:30 a.m.)
Robert Schwartz, Secretary

*Minutes of the Academic Council are considered official notification and documentation of actions approved.