Volume XXXXI, Number 11
Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting
December 1 , 2004

XXXXI, 11 The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Secretary Kurt Kosabar. Since this was a special meeting held for discussion purposes, no roll was taken.


A. Chancellor Search Committee Report was given by Larry Gragg.

Larry Gragg gave a five-minute presentation on what the Chancellor Search Committee has been doing, and explained how they reached the decision that was made.


B. Discussion

Motion was made to suspend Robert's Rules of Order to have an open discussion for 45 minutes. There was a second. Discussion was held, and the motion was amended to have the discussion for 20 minutes. Motion was then approved. After the time expired, another motion was made from the floor from Matt Insall proxy for V. A. Smaranayake. Motion:

"The academic council will elect an advisory committee of about half a dozen faculty members, who will be, under an oath of confidentiality, allowed to have access to the application files of all applicants in a short list. They will be given a certain amount of time to make discrete inquiries about the candidates in the list and provide input to the selection committee. This input can be in the form of a list of desirable candidates from those among the short list (or a list of unacceptable candidates), in rank order.’’ A vote was taken with a show of hands from the voting members of the Academic Council. Vote was 13 in favor of the motion, and 10 not in favor. Motion passed.

There was a motion to adjourn the meeting and seconded. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
(electronically submitted,
12/03/04 )
Kurt Kosbar, Secretary

*Minutes of the Academic Council are considered official notification and documentation of actions approved.