Volume XXXIII, Number 4
Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting
January 22, 2004

XXXIII, 4 The meeting was called to order at 1:35 P.M. by President Todd Hubing. Roll call was taken, and absentees noted were: Neil Book, Charles Chusuei,Roger LaBoube Mark Mullin, Chad Pense, V.A. Samaranayake, Robert Stone, H.L. Tsai, Trent Watts, Paul Worsey, Robert Mitchell, Mareisa Crow and Gary Thomas.

There was a motion and second to approve the minutes of the November 20, 2003 Academic Council meeting. The Academic Council body voted to accept the minutes.


A. PRESIDENT'S REPORT - This report was presented by Academic Council President Todd Hubing.

1. IFC has endorsed the adoption of a system wide standard to report faculty activities. The electronic form currently in use at UMC is under consideration. Whether the form is appropriate for all campuses is being discussed.
2. The work load policy is under consideration by IFC.
3. Program Viability Audit Committees at UMR and UMSL have submitted reports. UMC and UMKC are still involved in this process.
4. Steve Lehmkuhle, UM VP for Academic Affairs, has assured the IFC that it is not necessary to cancel one academic program to get approval for another. They are aware of plans for 7 new academic programs at UMR, but have not received official proposals for any of these programs.

B. CHANCELLOR'S REPORT - This report was presented by Provost Y.T. Shah.


a. The House and Senate have agreed with Governor Holden on the forecast of the revenue for FY 2005, which is $6.4 billion. They have also agreed that expenses from last year were about $7 billion. This indicates a $600M shortfall and the possibility of additional withholdings.
b. The Provost's Cabinet met to discuss how to make the required budget cuts to meet the anticipated $3.2M shortfall in the budget. The proposed cuts were reviewed for at the Chairs' meeting and no significant changes were suggested. Faculty are encouraged to provide input regarding the University budget through the Budgetary Affairs committee.

2. Workload Policy
a. There is agreement regarding the general format of the workload policy, but there are still issues to be resolved, such as the minimum number of student contact hours (currently 180) and courses taught per semester.
b. The four Deans have been asked to work together to consider how the University can better use its resources.

3. Program Viability Audit and New Programs
a. Recommendations from the committee have been submitted to the University Administration. b. How those programs that were identified in the audit can be helped is under consideration.c. Program self assessment will continue next year. Dr. Walt Eversman will serve as Chair of this committee.
d. Jay Goff gave an update on the campus' progress with the new programs. Eight new programs were discussed.

1. MBA2. Biology(PhD)3. Technical Communication4. Multi disciplinary Studies5. STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics)6. Bio Engineering 7. Architectural Engineering
8. Interdisciplinary Engineering

4. Graduate Student Issues
Graduate Student Enrollment is down, in part due to the new SEVIS requirements.
5. Mission Statement - UM system Campuses
Each campus was asked to write a new mission statement. We are now recognized as the Technological University of the state of Missouri

C. PROVOST'S REPORT - This report was presented by Provost Y.T. Shah.

1. Enrollment Management
Most of our growth is going to come from retention. Graduate student enrollment is decreasing. (China and India has the biggest decrease)
2. Research

a.Proposal awards through December: $15.4M This is on-target to meet specified goals and is at the same level as last year. We should have > $30M in research expenditures this FY.
b.Proposal submissions through December: $ 58.4M.
c.The search for the MTI Executive Director is underway.
d.The Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies (CAMT) should be launched soon.
e.There is steady progress on preparing the INL proposal with the Shaw Group.
3. To improve utilization of resources on campus and foster more collaborations among faculty, seven Clusters of Excellence based on recognized strengths, need and campus priority will be developed. These will promote communications and collaborations for education, research and outreach among departments. The seven clusters, which were identified based on areas of strength, need and priority, include:
i. Materials and Manufacturing
ii. Energy (power, nuclear, alternate energy sources etc.)
iii. Environment
iv. Transportation and Civil Infrastructures
v. Information, Communication and Perception Technologies
vii. vii. Management (Engineering management, Business Administration, economics, finance, etc.)
4. Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
a. CERTI is preparing to hire a new coordinator.
b. The Residential College planning process is continuing and will have three major themes: Research, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership.
5. UMR Global
a. Plus -Up proposals totaled $13.5M.
b. The video communication center and MORENET have acquired additional software that makes interactive teaching over the internet easier and more effective.
c. The list of PDH courses is growing.
6. Information Technology
Progress continues to be made in policy developement and to improve services on campus.

A. BUDGETARY AFFAIRS - This report was presented by Don Myers.

1.The committee is reviewing the proposed 2005 budget.
2. The role of the Faculty (and the Budgetary Affairs committee) regarding input to budgetary decisions was discussed. The by-laws of the UM system indicate that faculty must be meaningfully involved in budgetary planning.
3. The Budgetary Affairs Committee has been working with Steve Malott to develop a better understanding of the process.
4. The Chancellor and the Provost will include the committee when budgetary items are discussed in their meetings.
5. Areas were targeted for the required cost and rate savings of $3.2M for FY 2005.

B. CURRICULA - This report was presented by Richard Hall.

1. There was a motion that Academic council approve the DC and CC curriculum changes thst were distributed with the agenda. The motion passed.
2. The College of Arts and Sciences requested the name of the Department of Philosophy and Liberal Arts be changed to the Department of Arts, Languages and Philosophy. A motion was made to approve this change and the motion passed.
3. The committee is working on a new Name Change form in conjunction with last year's ad hoc committee.
4. EC forms were included in the official report of the committee.

C. LIBRARY- This report was given by Andy Stewart,br> 1. A written report was submitted.

a. Journals represent approximately 75% of the total acquisitions budget. Due to continued increases in journal prices, there will be a cut in journal subscriptions. The department library liaisons were requested to review the list of subscriptions and proposed cuts.
b. On-line subscriptions continue to be given more consideration.

D. PUBLIC OCCASIONS - This report was presented by Ron Kosbar

The 2005-06 Academic Year Calendar and the Public Occasions Event dates for 2004-2005 were distributed. There was a motion to accept both calendars. The motion passed.


A. ACTION ITEMS - 1. Written Policy for Joint Appointments - Provost Shah
a. The policy has been prepares by the committee and will be distributed for review.
2. Written Policy for Distribution of Distance Learning Funds - Global
a. The policy is still under discussion.


This report was given by -Mike Hilgers
The Missouri Association of faculty Senate will be meeting February 2 and 3. Mike Hilgers will represent UMR. If there is anything Academic Council would like him to present, please let him know.

1. Staff Awards Nominations Deadline is the end of February.
2. Legislative day in Jefferson City is approaching.
1. Work on the new I.D. card continues.
2. Elections will be in March.
D. COUNCIL OF GRADUATE STUDIES- No report submitted.
Composition of the Promotion and Tenure Committee was referred to the Tenure committee.

There was a motion and second to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed at 3:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
(electronically submitted, 2/2/04 - 9:30 a.m.)
Robert Schwartz, Secretary

*Minutes of the Academic Council are considered official notification and documentation of actions approved.